Angaben gemäß § 5 DDG
HRComTec GmbH
Theodor Heuss Anlage 12
68165 Mannheim
Handelsregister: HRB 737180
Registergericht: Mannheim
Vertreten durch:
Elmar Spitz
Telefon: 0621 81910890
Telefax: 0621 81910899
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
Redaktionell verantwortlich
Maximilian Spitz
Elmar Spitz
Theodor Heuss Anlage 12
68165 Mannheim
Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit:
Unsere E-Mail-Adresse finden Sie oben im Impressum.
Wir sind nicht bereit oder verpflichtet, an Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen.
Icons made by Lordicon / Flaticon
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StoryblocksCinemarketing / DCStudio / Dualstock / fizkes / New Age Cinema / dotshock / AlpakaVideo / VadosLoginov / fancystudio / filmstudio / stockmedia / RichardjJOnes / petrunine / Monster / Filmmakers / Pressmaster / Eleven52 / embarafootage / monkeybusiness / AnnaStills / aerocaminua / Cristian / CactusVP / zevc / Syda Productions / Vensa Ihor / Wavebreak Media / MichaelD1990 / LuAleks / Frame Stock / HalfPoint / Sorapop Udomsri / Oles Ishchuk / Vadim_Key / ba-media / kotlyarn / Stepfilm / stockbusters / KONSTANTIN / SHISHKIN / kerenby / TWS Videographer / ADcour / Pohodzhayproduction / mediastockmasters / sibstock / SirikornT / Prostock-studio / Stocktrek Images / Vales Studio / art24pro / banias / kamila_p / sergii_kozii / CactusVP / mykhalets / poczwarkowscy / Patramansky / Syda Productions / bajneva / Chris Schmidt / Thopter / Filmovar / DEFSTOCK / artiemedvedev / Rass / Frame Stock / Footage / ilya2k / / mdlabdesign / RomaS / SriFX / Kasetskiy / HDVMaster / OMNIS / MSoylik / JaimeByrd / The Stock Studio / Artfamily / Borovikk / WeAre / Thopter / DanielDash / FinFrame Studio
Site Notice
Information pursuant to Sect. 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG)
HRComTec GmbH
Theodor Heuss Anlage 12
68165 Mannheim
Commercial Register: HRB 737180
Registration court: Mannheim
Represented by:
Elmar Spitz
Phone: 0621 81910890
Telefax: 0621 81910899
Sales tax identification number according to Sect. 27 a of the Sales Tax Law:
Person responsible for editorial
Maximilian Spitz
Elmar Spitz
Theodor Heuss Anlage 12
68165 Mannheim
EU dispute resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR):
Our e-mail address can be found above in the site notice.
Dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board.
Image rights
Icons made by Lordicon / Flaticon
stock.adobe.comhotelfoxtrot69 / Igor / Fotolia RAW / Alexander Raths / Jacob Lund / Sstudio / kasto / wellphoto / karepa / bnenin / Drazen / dusanpetkovic1 / comzeal / 1001color / WavebreakMediaMicro / Monkey Business / insta_photos / motortion / ty / Drobot Dean / Yakobchuk Olena / NAMPIX / vanillya / Monster Ztudio / Vittya_25 / Guiseppe Blasioli / ysuel / / anatoliy_gleb / Art Stocker / Gorodenkoff / Fokussiert / mojo_cp / sewcream / Nattakorn / magele-picture / Stockfotos-MG / MQ-Illustrations / Sstudio / Alex Photo / Gorodenkoff / metmorworks / kasto / wellphoto / karepa / Shutter B / YURII MASLAK / Marina Andrejchenko / Bojan / Pituk / rh2010 / kuzmichstudio / DatenschutzStockfoto / REDPIXEL / romul014 / silverblack / stockbakery/Pond5 / nikO.Okin / Igor
StoryblocksCinemarketing / DCStudio / Dualstock / fizkes / New Age Cinema / dotshock / AlpakaVideo / VadosLoginov / fancystudio / filmstudio / stockmedia / RichardjJOnes / petrunine / Monster / Filmmakers / Pressmaster / Eleven52 / embarafootage / monkeybusiness / AnnaStills / aerocaminua / Cristian / CactusVP / zevc / Syda Productions / Vensa Ihor / Wavebreak Media / MichaelD1990 / LuAleks / Frame Stock / HalfPoint / Sorapop Udomsri / Oles Ishchuk / Vadim_Key / ba-media / kotlyarn / Stepfilm / stockbusters / KONSTANTIN / SHISHKIN / kerenby / TWS Videographer / ADcour / Pohodzhayproduction / mediastockmasters / sibstock / SirikornT / Prostock-studio / Stocktrek Images / Vales Studio / art24pro / banias / kamila_p / sergii_kozii / CactusVP / mykhalets / poczwarkowscy / Patramansky / Syda Productions / bajneva / Chris Schmidt / Thopter / Filmovar / DEFSTOCK / artiemedvedev / Rass / Frame Stock / Footage / ilya2k / / mdlabdesign / RomaS / SriFX / Kasetskiy / HDVMaster / OMNIS / MSoylik / JaimeByrd / The Stock Studio / Artfamily / Borovikk / WeAre / Thopter / DanielDash / FinFrame Studio